Tuesday, December 23, 2014

MIKEs-DAILY-PODCAST-798-Pop (part 1 of 2, made with Spreaker)

MIKE’s DAILY PODCAST 798 The Alternative Show

MIKE's DAILY PODCAST effizode 798

Today I have PART 2 of the best of 2014 on 2014 FOR THEE RADIO.  Plus we hear from Benita, the Disgruntled Fiddle Player, and the Brewmaster!  And reading is bad for your health!  That is if you're reading an e-book and trying to make yourself e-tired.

Here's what you do on this Christmas Eve: walk around your neighborhood and enjoy all the holiday decorations.  Go on.  Be cheesy.  Just do it.  In a couple days they'll all be gone and you'll say to yourself I'm glad that holiday's over with.  But what's the point of living if you don't stop and take a look at the world around you with all its quirkiness and wonderment?  Yes, Christmas decorations are wonderment.  Really!  Have you seen some of the decoration choices people make?

Next show I'll have PART 3 of the best of 2014 on 2014 FOR THEE RADIO!  Plus we'll hear from Madame Rootabega, Valentino, and Bison Bentley!

Email MikesDailyPodcast@gmail.com
Website http://MikesDailyPodcast.com
iTunes http://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/michaelmatthewss-podcast/id318601461
Facebook Page http://facebook.com/MikesDailyPodcast
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PodOmatic http://MichaelMatthews.podomatic.com
MixCloud http://www.mixcloud.com/MikesDailyPodcast
Spreaker http://www.spreaker.com/user/mikematthews
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YouTube http://youtube.com/MikesDailyPodcast
Instagram http://instagram.com/MikesDailyPodcast

tags: indie pop, indie bands, indie rock, indie, jazz, alternative, music, comedy, humor, podcast, blog, 2014, Mike Matthews, Matt Michaels, Mike's Daily Podcast, health, travel, Oakland, Joe Baer Magnant, New Spell, Dangermaker, San Francsico, the Joe Baer Magnant Group, Castro Valley, East Bay, Bay Area, Niles, Christmas

Saturday, December 20, 2014

MIKE’s DAILY PODCAST 797 The Alternative Show

MIKE's DAILY PODCAST effizode 797

Today I have a special look back at the music from the mountains of interviews I did this year.  It's 2014 FOR THEE RADIO where we listen to music from some of the best bands I talked to.  Plus we hear from Chely Shoehart, Floyd the Floorman, and John Deer the Engineer!  And no more FOX News?  Yayyy!  Oh wait, not for everybody.  Darn!  Stephen Colbert wasn't effective after all.

So he dropped down on one knee and I cried.  Oh god!  Sound of barfing inserted here.  What's the most cliche stupid bile inducing act on this planet?  A man dropping down and holding a ring.  Okay, okay, before I sound completely heartless I will admit that I did it too, though I can't remember any of it because I was so nervous.  And that marriage didn't last.  But come on!  Can't we come up with something a little less cliche than the dropping to the knee maneuver to ask the question that changes our lives forever?  I guess there's no originality in love.  I should write Hallmark cards.

Next show we'll hear more of the best of 2014 on 2014 FOR THEE RADIO.  Plus we'll hear from Benita, the Disgruntled Fiddle Player, and the Brewmaster!

Email MikesDailyPodcast@gmail.com
Website http://MikesDailyPodcast.com
iTunes http://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/michaelmatthewss-podcast/id318601461
Facebook Page http://facebook.com/MikesDailyPodcast
Twitter Page http://twitter.com/MikeTalks
Tumblr Page http://MikeBlogs.tumblr.com
Yelp Page http://www.yelp.com/biz/Mikes-Daily-Podcast-castro-valley
PodOmatic http://MichaelMatthews.podomatic.com
MixCloud http://www.mixcloud.com/MikesDailyPodcast
Spreaker http://www.spreaker.com/user/mikematthews
Stitcher http://www.stitcher.com/podcast/mikes-daily-podcast
SoundCloud http://soundcloud.com/MikesDailyPodcast
YouTube http://youtube.com/MikesDailyPodcast
Instagram http://instagram.com/MikesDailyPodcast

tags: podcast, blog, news, music, indie bands, indie rock, indie pop, Sweden, Castro Valley, Oakland, East Bay, San Francisco, Marin County, Mill Valley, Mike Matthews, Matt Michaels, entertainment, society, culture, relationships, marriage, talk, talk show, radio, comedy, humor, funny, alternative, Livermore

Friday, December 19, 2014

MIKEs-DAILY-PODCAST-796-News (part 1 of 2, made with Spreaker)

MIKE’s DAILY PODCAST 796 The News Show

MIKE's DAILY PODCAST effizode 796

Today I have the DEBUT of a brand new segment called THIS IS InTRESTING!  Lots of intresting facts on today's show along with some fictitious folks like Madame Rootabega, Valentino, and Bison Bentley!  And let the Republican presidential wannabe's find something wrong with EVERYTHING Obama does since that's what their campaign managers tell them to do.  However, Rand takes a stand...on Twitter.

I saw This Is The End.  Not a fan.  Seth Rogan and James Franco make me laugh at a guttural level, sure, but I was in no way going to see The Interview in theaters.  I only saw This Is The End because it was free.  And after reading the Rolling Stone Seth Rogan interview from a couple weeks back, you've gotta assume Seth is hiding naked in a closet somewhere with a massive bong. 

Next show we take a look back at the music from the mountains of interviews I did this year.  It's 2014 FOR THEE RADIO where we listen to music from some of the best acts I talked to.  Plus we'll hear from Chely Shoehart, Floyd the Floorman, and John Deer the Engineer!

Email MikesDailyPodcast@gmail.com
Website http://MikesDailyPodcast.com
iTunes http://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/michaelmatthewss-podcast/id318601461
Facebook Page http://facebook.com/MikesDailyPodcast
Twitter Page http://twitter.com/MikeTalks
Tumblr Page http://MikeBlogs.tumblr.com
Yelp Page http://www.yelp.com/biz/Mikes-Daily-Podcast-castro-valley
PodOmatic http://MichaelMatthews.podomatic.com
MixCloud http://www.mixcloud.com/MikesDailyPodcast
Spreaker http://www.spreaker.com/user/mikematthews
Stitcher http://www.stitcher.com/podcast/mikes-daily-podcast
SoundCloud http://soundcloud.com/MikesDailyPodcast
YouTube http://youtube.com/MikesDailyPodcast
Instagram http://instagram.com/MikesDailyPodcast

tags:  Seth Rogan, news, entertainment, politics, comedy, humor, talk, talk show, Mike Matthews, Matt Michaels, Mike's Daily Podcast, podcast, blog, Castro Valley, East Bay, Bay Area, Oakland, travel

Thursday, December 18, 2014

MIKEs-DAILY-PODCAST-795-Rock (part 1 of 2, made with Spreaker)

MIKE’s DAILY PODCAST 795 The Indie Rock Show

MIKE's DAILY PODCAST effizode 795

Today we hear the FINALE of my INTO AN INTERVIEW with the LOS ANGELES band SALT PETAL!  Plus we hear from Benita, the Disgruntled Fiddle Player, and the Brewmaster!  And NASA says our Christmas lights can be seen from space.  So even the aliens watching us must have Christmas cheer!

Christopher Walken has been in so many movies.  Here are two Christmas movies I can think of: Catch Me If You Can and Batman Returns.  Okay, neither one of those would seem to be Christmas movies, but the Christmas spirit oddly pops up in both.  Catch Me If You Can is such a great film, one of my favorite Speilberg movies.  So, is Christopher Walken really Santa?  And when he flies up in space on his sleigh does he dig all the Christmas lights he can see?  One can only wonder.

Next show it's the DEBUT of a brand new segment called THIS IS InTRESTING!  Lots of intresting facts you'll hear on the next show!  Plus we'll hear from Madame Rootabega, Valentino, and Bison Bentley!

Email MikesDailyPodcast@gmail.com
Website http://MikesDailyPodcast.com
iTunes http://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/michaelmatthewss-podcast/id318601461
Facebook Page http://facebook.com/MikesDailyPodcast
Twitter Page http://twitter.com/MikeTalks
Tumblr Page http://MikeBlogs.tumblr.com
Yelp Page http://www.yelp.com/biz/Mikes-Daily-Podcast-castro-valley
PodOmatic http://MichaelMatthews.podomatic.com
MixCloud http://www.mixcloud.com/MikesDailyPodcast
Spreaker http://www.spreaker.com/user/mikematthews
Stitcher http://www.stitcher.com/podcast/mikes-daily-podcast
SoundCloud http://soundcloud.com/MikesDailyPodcast
YouTube http://youtube.com/MikesDailyPodcast
Instagram http://instagram.com/MikesDailyPodcast

tags: podcast, Salt Petal, Autumn Harrison, Rodrigo Gonzalez, indie rock, indie pop, indie band, indie music, comedy, humor, Los Angeles, Castro Valley, East Bay, Bay Area, space, science, Mike Matthews, Christmas, Matt Michaels, Mike's Daily Podcast, Christopher Walken, entertainment, interview, talk, talk show, funny

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Part 1 of my interview with the LOS ANGELES band SALT PETAL!

Part 1 of my interview with the LOS ANGELES band SALT PEDAL!

MIKEs-DAILY-PODCAST-794-Alternative (part 1 of 2, made with Spreaker)

MIKE’s DAILY PODCAST 794 The Indie Band Show

MIKE's DAILY PODCAST effizode 794

Today we hear from an awesome LOS ANGELES band in the segment INTO AN INTERVIEW!  Get ready for SALT PEDAL!  Plus we hear from Chely Shoehart, Floyd the Floorman,and John Deer the Engineer!  And how expensive can drugs be?  You won't believe it.

Do you know someone who's a ForgetMeLots?  They are so self absorbed they constantly let you down with stuff they told you they would do.  You can't depend on them yet they continue to ask you to depend on them.  Lately I've had to deal with a lot of Forgetmelots lately and I've had enough!  I am really turning into an aholio with this people, and I'm generally a nice guy.  Get it together, you Forgetmelots!  Remember sh*#!  I can't suffer you much longer.

Tomorrow it's the FINALE of my INTO AN INTERVIEW with the LOS ANGELES band SALT PEDAL!  Plus we'll hear from Benita, the Disgruntled Fiddle Player, and the Brewmaster.

Check out the band CURE FOR GRAVITY, who was on this show back in October which you can hear at the Interviews Page here http://mikesdailypodcast.com/interviews-from-2014/ , and their Kickstarter campaign which is just a couple thousand short of their goal at https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1416919111/new-album-and-tour-expenses/  Help out this amazing EAST BAY BAND!

Email MikesDailyPodcast@gmail.com
Website http://MikesDailyPodcast.com
iTunes http://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/michaelmatthewss-podcast/id318601461
Facebook Page http://facebook.com/MikesDailyPodcast
Twitter Page http://twitter.com/MikeTalks
Tumblr Page http://MikeBlogs.tumblr.com
Yelp Page http://www.yelp.com/biz/Mikes-Daily-Podcast-castro-valley
PodOmatic http://MichaelMatthews.podomatic.com
MixCloud http://www.mixcloud.com/MikesDailyPodcast
Spreaker http://www.spreaker.com/user/mikematthews
Stitcher http://www.stitcher.com/podcast/mikes-daily-podcast
SoundCloud http://soundcloud.com/MikesDailyPodcast
YouTube http://youtube.com/MikesDailyPodcast
Instagram http://instagram.com/MikesDailyPodcast

tags: Salt Pedal, Autumn Harrison, Rodrigo Gonzalez, indie music, indie band, indie rock, alternative, world music, comedy, funny, podcast, blog, Castro Valley, East Bay, Bay Area, Los Angeles, Oakland, Berkeley, Mike Matthews, Matt Michaels, Mike's Daily Podcast, talk, interview, science, health, entertainment, indie pop, funny

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

MIKEs-DAILY-PODCAST-793-News (part 1 of 2, made with Spreaker)

MIKE’s DAILY PODCAST 793 The News Show

MIKE's DAILY PODCAST effizode 793

Today it's the return of the much loved feature MATTHEWS NEWS where we look at some interesting recent news stories, plus we hear from Madame Rootabega, Valentino, and Bison Bentley!  And did you know about Slacker?  No, not the 1991 movie with absolutely nobody memorable in it.  The music website.  Didn't think so.

Here in the Bay Area you can have locally grown vegetables put in a big paper bag (or canvas bag if you're more eco-friendly) and given to you every week for 11 bucks.  Sound like a great idea?  Yeah, for maybe the first month, but invariably EVERYONE picks up the bag and just lets all the veggies rot on their kitchen counter for a week which is exactly what happened to me.  I don't do the service, but my eco-minded roommate does.  I think I've maybe seen him actually use one or two veggies over the past 3 months he's done it.  So just like any subscriber service the whole thing's a sham.  Damn sustainable, green, organic, eco-friendly, and locally grown farmers wasting all that food!  Now if they grew Christmas sugar cookies...

Next show I'll have for you a fascinating guest that we'll talk to on the segment INTO AN INTERVIEW, plus we'll hear from Chely Shoehart, Floyd the Floorman,and John Deer the Engineer!

Email MikesDailyPodcast@gmail.com
Website http://MikesDailyPodcast.com
iTunes http://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/michaelmatthewss-podcast/id318601461
Facebook Page http://facebook.com/MikesDailyPodcast
Twitter Page http://twitter.com/MikeTalks
Tumblr Page http://MikeBlogs.tumblr.com
Yelp Page http://www.yelp.com/biz/Mikes-Daily-Podcast-castro-valley
PodOmatic http://MichaelMatthews.podomatic.com
MixCloud http://www.mixcloud.com/MikesDailyPodcast
Spreaker http://www.spreaker.com/user/mikematthews
Stitcher http://www.stitcher.com/podcast/mikes-daily-podcast
SoundCloud http://soundcloud.com/MikesDailyPodcast
YouTube http://youtube.com/MikesDailyPodcast
Instagram http://instagram.com/MikesDailyPodcast 

tags: news, Bay Area, East Bay, San Francisco, Castro Valley, comedy, humor, information, entertainment, blog, podcast, talk show, talk radio, talk, Mike Matthews, Matt Michaels, Mike's Daily Podcast, California, Bodega Bay, travel, science, tech, society, culture, locally grown, food

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

MIKEs-DAILY-PODCAST-792-Alternative (part 1 of 2, made with Spreaker)

MIKE’s DAILY PODCAST 792 The Indie Dance Show

MIKE's DAILY PODCAST effizode 792

Today I have the FINALE of my INTO AN INTERVIEW with the very talented DUSTIN BROWN of the PORTLAND, OREGON band NTNT!  Plus we hear from Benita, the Disgruntled Fiddle Player, and the Brewmaster!  And Mars had lakes.  You mean there once was a Red Planet Fishing Club?  Cool.

So this is a pretty odd podcast, isn't it?  I'd call it an oddcast but I think somebody else has coined that.  I just don't know how to describe it to people.  I found myself at a party over the weekend where I had to try to describe the show to people over and over again.  Probably the best thing for me to do is to just tell them to listen and leave it mysterious.  But then people don't understand the name: "It's Mike's Dilly Podcast?"  No.  What the hell's a dilly? People.

Next show it's the return of the much loved feature MATTHEWS NEWS where we look at some interesting recent news stories, plus we'll hear from Madame Rootabega, Valentino, and Bison Bentley!

By the way, Stretch Armstrong has made a comeback since we talked about it on this show.  I've been seeing him on a car commercial lately.  Zeitgeist. 
tags: NTNT, Dustin Brown, indie pop, indie rock, alternative, indie dance, indie music, indie, comedy, humor, Castro Valley, East Bay, Castro Valley, Bay Area, San Francisco, Portland, Oregon, California, podcast, Mike Matthews, Matt Michaels, Mike's Daily Podcast, talk show, talk, radio, interview, holidays, food, Mars, science

Friday, December 5, 2014

MIKEs-DAILY-PODCAST-791-Pop (part 1 of 3, made with Spreaker)

MIKE’s DAILY PODCAST 791 The Indie Pop Show

MIKE's DAILY PODCAST effizode 791

Today I have PART 2 of my INTO AN INTERVIEW with DUSTIN BROWN of the PORTLAND band NTNT!  Plus we hear from Chely Shoehart, Floyd the Floorman, and John Deer the Engineer  And a phone with two screens?  Is that like a teenager with twice as much reason to ignore you? 

Lovely, lovely rain fell down from the heavens over the past couple of days here in California.  We got a huge amount here in PodCastro Valley, California.  Yet in every national story you hear about this the next line that immediately follows is "but it is merely a drop in the bucket for California's three year drought problem."  Well, who's fault is that?  We get all this rain shouldn't we be prepared for it?  Shouldn't we have massive buckets or cisterns ready to catch all this water?  Yeah, it's called the Sierra Snow Pack which you hear about over and over again.  Apparently every drop we drink here in California comes from that.  Eggs in basket.

Tomorrow I'll have the FINALE of my INTO AN INTERVIEW with the very talented DUSTIN BROWN of the PORTLAND, OREGON band NTNT!  Plus we'll hear from Benita, the Disgruntled Fiddle Player, and the Brewmaster!

Oh, and it's Jessica Alba.  Oops.
tags: California, NTNT, Dustin Brown, indie pop, indie dance, indie music, indie, music, Castro Valley, East Bay, Bay Area, Portland, Oregon, Mike Matthews, Matt Michaels, Mike's Daily Podcast, comedy, humor, travel, news, interview, talk, San Diego, songwriting, Lake Chabot, weekend

Thursday, December 4, 2014

MIKEs-DAILY-PODCAST-790-Dance (part 1 of 2, made with Spreaker)

MIKE’s DAILY PODCAST 790 The Indie Dance Show

MIKE's DAILY PODCAST effizode 790

Today I have a band from PORTLAND called NTNT on the segment INTO AN INTERVIEW with DUSTIN BROWN, plus we'll hear from Madame Rootabega, Valentino, and Bison Bentley!  And Psy broke the 32 bit integer!  How Psy-versive!

I'm getting sick of walking through pot smoke everywhere I go around the Bay Area.  Yeah, I understand our old fashioned conceptions of marijuana are ridiculous.  I know it's not a gateway drug.  I realize it's hypocritical to legalize booze and not bud.  But what about second hand smoke laws?  What about I don't want to sit next to you reeking of skunk on BART.  What about we deal with the fact that Mary Jane has the same olfactory allure as cigar stogie smoke.  But Mike, cars give off stinky smoke and they're everywhere.  (Hell, people can pass gas and give off stinky smoke.)  No!  Here in California we smog our cars and most people are considerate enough not to let one go in public.  Can we be considerate about pot smoke, too?  At its worse it's a cross between dead skunk and dog poop.  Lovely.

Tomorrow I'll have PART 2 of my INTO AN INTERVIEW with DUSTIN BROWN of the PORTLAND band NTNT!  Plus we'll hear from Chely Shoehart, Floyd the Floorman, and John Deer the Engineer!

Email MikesDailyPodcast@gmail.com
Website http://MikesDailyPodcast.com
iTunes http://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/michaelmatthewss-podcast/id318601461
Facebook Page http://facebook.com/MikesDailyPodcast
Twitter Page http://twitter.com/MikeTalks
Tumblr Page http://MikeBlogs.tumblr.com
Yelp Page http://www.yelp.com/biz/Mikes-Daily-Podcast-castro-valley
PodOmatic http://MichaelMatthews.podomatic.com
MixCloud http://www.mixcloud.com/MikesDailyPodcast
Spreaker http://www.spreaker.com/user/mikematthews
Stitcher http://www.stitcher.com/podcast/mikes-daily-podcast
SoundCloud http://soundcloud.com/MikesDailyPodcast
YouTube http://youtube.com/MikesDailyPodcast
Instagram http://instagram.com/MikesDailyPodcast 

tags: indie dance, indie pop, indie rock, indie music, indie, music, Mike's Daily Podcast, Mike Matthews, Matt Michaels, songwriting, comedy, news, Psy, NTNT, Dustin Brown, Duddy Brown, Portland, California, concerts, East Bay, Bay Area, Castro Valley, San Francisco, Oakland, pot, interview, talk

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

MIKEs-DAILY-PODCAST-789-News (part 1 of 2, made with Spreaker)

MIKE’s DAILY PODCAST 789 The News Show

MIKE's DAILY PODCAST effizode 789

Today I have the return of the much loved feature and book THE MIKELOPEDIA INSANICA where we explore some interesting insane facts!  Plus we hear from Benita, the Disgruntled Fiddle Player, and the Brewmaster!  And Richard the Third.  Is that really his carcass?

Ah, the older generation.  They have some interesting theories on life, didn't they?  When you talk to someone in their 80's and 90's it can be a little window into a time when this little thing you're looking at, a computer, was just some futuristic thing that ran in machines that took up entire buildings.  Some lessons they impart are helpful.  Others are like "Oh my god, you did NOT just say that!"  So much fun.

Next show I'll have a brand new band from PORTLAND called NTNT on the segment INTO AN INTERVIEW, plus we'll hear from Madame Rootabega, Valentino, and Bison Bentley!

Email MikesDailyPodcast@gmail.com
Website http://MikesDailyPodcast.com
iTunes http://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/michaelmatthewss-podcast/id318601461
Facebook Page http://facebook.com/MikesDailyPodcast
Twitter Page http://twitter.com/MikeTalks
Tumblr Page http://MikeBlogs.tumblr.com
Yelp Page http://www.yelp.com/biz/Mikes-Daily-Podcast-castro-valley
PodOmatic http://MichaelMatthews.podomatic.com
MixCloud http://www.mixcloud.com/MikesDailyPodcast
Spreaker http://www.spreaker.com/user/mikematthews
Stitcher http://www.stitcher.com/podcast/mikes-daily-podcast
SoundCloud http://soundcloud.com/MikesDailyPodcast
YouTube http://youtube.com/MikesDailyPodcast
Instagram http://instagram.com/MikesDailyPodcast

tags: news, Oakland, East Bay, Bay Area, San Francisco, California, comedy, humor, green, Santa Clara, science, England, Richard III, podcast, blog, Mike Matthews, Matt Michaels, Mike's Daily Podcast, Castro Valley, talk radio, talk news, talk, society, culture, Santa Clara Valley, Santa Barbara, sailing, ocean, Christmas, Santa Claus, holidays